Monday, June 9, 2008

Hrubik has a blog?

Yes, Matt Hrubik is now a citizen of century 21. Here's a quick introduction to the blog...

It's my intent to run the Chicago Marathon on October 12. I have been thinking for a few months about the value of journaling or blogging and I figured that a marathon and the related training would be a worthwhile thing to catalog (and would help keep the writing focused). With the official 18 week training schedule starting tomorrow, this seemed like the proper time to begin typing.

Besides collecting my thoughts on the whole endeavor, this will also be a nice way to keep lots of people updated at once. And more people knowing about this can only make the running easier, in a "cloud of witnesses" type way.

So in short, this blog will consist of thoughts about marathon training from a guy who has a hard time turning his mind off. Granted, that doesn't sound terribly exciting, but I will do my best to make it not be horrible.


mortahoa said...

we are all witnesses

Anonymous said...

are you kidding? i'd love to read what you think while running.

i saw terminator 2 for the first time last weekend.

Unknown said...

holllerrr!!! :) so just in case you want to read up on the rest of our chicago marathon crew... check out:

there you'll find my entries along with 5 other fellow runners... all signed up for the chicago marathon... :)

ran 6.5 yesterday in the brutal heat. it was gross and entirely depressing... i was exhausted... will look forward to reading your blog... see you at the starting line!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Matt, we've never heard of anyone describing their legs as "short order cooks" before. With metaphors like that, it won't be long before we are reading a Hrubik running memoir for book club... (Of course you'd have to embellish it, since we have a no-nonfiction policy!)

Rooting for you as you do whatever is necessary (Clif bloks, Coldplay on the iPod, prayer) to get through that Chi-town run on Oct. 12! Congrats on reaching your FR goal!!