Wednesday, November 26, 2008

cold turkey

No race tomorrow for me. The opportunity to not run like a maniac in the frigid early morning proved too enticing to pass up. So nothing on the schedule tomorrow beyond a lot of resting, chatting, and eating.

Though I have no real desire to be running outside at this point, I do miss the exercise. The prospect of not running again until springtime is fairly daunting. I may need to forage for treadmills.


Eric Chen said...

swim it swim it swim it!

Unknown said...

lol, don't think you'll ever fathom the giddiness i felt when i decided to click on "the runblog" in my bookmarks expecting no new posts since the marathon...

4 NEW POSTS!!! :) i have since put on a happy 4 lbs and been forced back to the mundane sessions on the treadmill... (i guess a girl should freak out after +4 in a month, but most of my friends told me i could use some extra weight back on my frame) my last run outside ended in pitch darkness, ears that were throbbing, and toes that were close to the pain experienced from my ears...

no turkey trot for me neither... (but i did go on a walk:) i look back at the pictures from the marathon now and am in complete shock; did i really run that?!?, knowing full well my body is in no way, shape, or form ready for another 26.2. i'm adjusting to this blanketed hibernation season but just as much as i love the fact that i don't have to dread weekly long runs on friday nights, i do miss the almost freakish machine that i had become over the course of 4 months... all while eating like a complete fool... nutritionists would probably gawk at my diet while i was training... lots of carbs, chocolate martinis, and fries.

i have enjoyed trying to run shorter distances at a faster pace as of late... that seems to keep me going nowadays... a long run equates to gasp... 5 miles. 3 miles on the treadmill feels like a "normal" distance now... oh, how quickly i've become quite pathetic:)