Sunday, October 5, 2008

"he's more machine than man now"

With yesterday's 8 miler finished, my training is pretty much done. Here's the schedule for week 18:

Tuesday - 3 miles
Wednesday - 4 miles
Thursday - 2 miles
Sunday - 26.2 miles

I guess that since the marathon is so much longer than any other race I've run, it makes some sense that I'm already starting to get nervous. But I'm hoping this week's short runs will give me a chance to find the swagger that typified the early stages of my training, even though it was coming largely from a position of ignorance. It was fun back then to have the feeling I was bulletproof, but I know better now. I am in shape, certainly, but also well acquainted with the fragile state of the human body. My once bionic legs now feel very weathered and may be ready to call it a year after Sunday.

I've put in the miles though, so that should lend me some grizzled confidence (if not a cocksure attitude, which may not be healthy anyway). There is nothing else I can really do to prepare this week, besides eating well and getting enough sleep. So I'll do that and do my best Sunday. There's nothing really to be afraid of, besides the pain and fatigue...

Deep breaths, Hrubik.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh! it's this week! i wish we could be there to cheer you on! man, only 8 miles? that must have felt nice.

p.s. i don't really judge coldplay on that one interview. it's still the end rhyme that's holding me back.